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Saturday, July 4, 2015

Terminator genesyis- WTF!!!!

Terminator genisys ... I can only say ,why? … a complete downgrading  the franchise in my eyes . frankly speaking , I didn’t have much expectation from this latest installation but this was disappointing for even me .

Acting has never been Arnold’s forte, but this time he sucks more than ever, thanks to the boring and snail slow storyline and unnecessary vfx.

Emilia Clarke does manage to grab few eyeballs with her acting but not to much help.

Well the plot goes like , in 2029, human resistance leader John connor(Jason Clarke) launches final attack on skynet. Before they could destruct the time machine ,skynet sends T-800 back in time to kill john’s mother. The T-800 arrives in 1984 Los Angeles but is killed by Sarah and "The Guardian" (Arnold Schwarzenegger), a reprogrammed T-800 (Model 101). Shortly after, Kyle is rescued from a T-1000 (Lee Byung-hun) by Sarah and The Guardian. Kyle learns that the original timeline has been altered. The T-1000 tracks the trio to a sewer where Sarah and The Guardian disintegrates it with acid. Movie goes on sucking for more than 2 hrs.

Note the quote :
·         I'm not a man, not a machine... I'm more!
·         You're nothing but a relic’
·         ‘I look at each of you and I see the marks of this long and terrible war. If we die tonight, man kind dies with us’

Who can watch it: if you are a  Arnold fan ,then who can stop you.

Who cannot watch it : weak script ,weak acting , you need more reasons?

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