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Thursday, July 2, 2015

apocalypse now: masterpiece then



Director-The Francis coppola
Starring-Marlon brando,Martin sheen
Running time-153 min(pretty long)
Release date-may10,1979(an oldie it is)
Language-english(of course)

Directed by ‘The Francis Coppola’, Apocalypse now is widely regarded as the masterpiece of the new Hollywood era and undoubtedly it is. The movie begins with a view of burning Vietnamese forests. With tress burning ,helicopters flying and country music(some unknown but pretty cool,the kind you listen along while smoking marijuana) playing in the background,truly sets the mood and then comes in US army ,Benjamin Williard( played by Martin Sheen) and what follows is his journey into the deadly war zone areas of north Vietnam in order to assassinate the so called insane US army colonel Kurtz(played by Marlon brando) who is said to have turned insane .With it’s deep background narration and intense yet gripping direction and storyline(with loads of deep and psychological dialogues to tickle the Nolan in you),the movie manages to keep up the thrill quotient up till the very last scene.

Note the quote- the movie’s got a lot of cool and deep psychological dialogues and monologues,the kind you can update your fb and what’s app statuses with. Some of the lines(which I remember) are:
·       ‘I’ve seen horrors,horrors that you have seen’

·       ‘And then I realized they were stronger than we, because they could stand that these were not monsters, these were men... trained cadres’

·       ‘Because it's judgment that defeats us’

·       ‘ Because there's a conflict in every human heart, between the rational and irrational, between good and evil. And good does not always triumph. Sometimes, the dark side overcomes what Lincoln called the better angels of our nature’

Music- some old  and cool country songs.

Who can watch it- if artsy and deep psychological is your taste then this one is just for you.

Who surely cannot- if you cannot stand slow paced , 2hr+ movies then kindly stay away and if raw ,blood spilling (nothing like Quentin tarantino )  action is not your taste then look for some other one.

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