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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Megan Fox to guest star as a new girl on 'New Girl' sitcom

The gorgeous actress will play a role of a pharmaceutical sales rep who shakes things up in the loft by renting out the room of Jess (series star Zooey Deschanel) while she is sequestered on jury duty. Fox will make her first appearance in the sixth episode of the upcoming fifth season, scheduled to premiere in January on the Fox network.

Well we all have seen the actress turning the heat up in ‘teenage mutant ninja turtles’ and ‘transformers’, lets see how she ups the oopmph quotient of the popular tv series of which I personally is not a fan of but is planning to watch to watch Megan play a sales rep.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

after Zayn Malik,Harry Styles moves to hollywood

After Zayn Malik,it’s Band member Harry Styles who is all set to try his hands in Hollywood and reports say that he has hired an agent for this . The singer has been heard saying that the recent band shows post Zayn’s departure have been the best the band has ever seen.

The band has an upcoming tour of north America. The singer was quoted saying,“The only changes have been that the parts Zayn sang have been picked up by different people – other than that the shows have been going absolutely great.”

He also announced about the upcoming album of the band ,saying“It carries a slightly new identity, but I think it’s an obvious change from Four​, ​in a positive way.

independence day of U.S.A


fireworks shoot from the top of hatch shell during rehearsal for the annual Boston pops on July 3,2015.

America celebrates independence.

ironically ,American have opted for Chinese products.

cities burst into the joys of celebration.

Terminator genesyis- WTF!!!!

Terminator genisys ... I can only say ,why? … a complete downgrading  the franchise in my eyes . frankly speaking , I didn’t have much expectation from this latest installation but this was disappointing for even me .

Acting has never been Arnold’s forte, but this time he sucks more than ever, thanks to the boring and snail slow storyline and unnecessary vfx.

Emilia Clarke does manage to grab few eyeballs with her acting but not to much help.

Well the plot goes like , in 2029, human resistance leader John connor(Jason Clarke) launches final attack on skynet. Before they could destruct the time machine ,skynet sends T-800 back in time to kill john’s mother. The T-800 arrives in 1984 Los Angeles but is killed by Sarah and "The Guardian" (Arnold Schwarzenegger), a reprogrammed T-800 (Model 101). Shortly after, Kyle is rescued from a T-1000 (Lee Byung-hun) by Sarah and The Guardian. Kyle learns that the original timeline has been altered. The T-1000 tracks the trio to a sewer where Sarah and The Guardian disintegrates it with acid. Movie goes on sucking for more than 2 hrs.

Note the quote :
·         I'm not a man, not a machine... I'm more!
·         You're nothing but a relic’
·         ‘I look at each of you and I see the marks of this long and terrible war. If we die tonight, man kind dies with us’

Who can watch it: if you are a  Arnold fan ,then who can stop you.

Who cannot watch it : weak script ,weak acting , you need more reasons?

Friday, July 3, 2015

Nicolas cage as superman

Nicolas cage as what? ... that was my exact reaction when i first saw these pics. I was like ,what’s that , is it a bird , is it a plane , no it’s Nicolas cage.

On Friday, never seen before footage of failed (thank god) superman film, superman lives was unearthed.                                          

 Cage (that’s how I call him) can be spotted wearing skin tight superman costumes in the pics.

 The costumes seems  pretty similar to those of Henry cavil  from Man of steel.

 ‘The death of superman lives : what happened’ documentary will be released on july 9.

'Back to the future' celebrates 30th anniversary

Back to the Future turns 30 this Friday (July 3), and the cast members recently reunited for the celebration.

This sci fi-comedy produced by Steven Spielberg ,released on july 3 ,30 years back and became the highest grossing movie of the year grossing more than $383 million worldwide.

Starring Micheal J fox , Back to the future has been ranked 28th on the entertainment weekly’s list of 50 best high school movies. Bagging academy awards for sound effect and original screenplay,the movie received positive reviews from critics around the globe.

President Ronald Reagan, a fan of the film,once in the reference of the film said, "Never has there been a more exciting time to be alive, a time of rousing wonder and heroic achievement. As they said in the film Back to the Future, 'Where we're going, we don't need roads'." It is said that when he heard the joke in the film about him being the president ,he made the reel play again.

wet hot american summer: first day at the camp (the trailer with almost everyone in it)

So the most awaited trailer of the year is here . so forget about the summer sickness because this trailer of wet hot American summer first day at camp will make sure that you that you stay glued to your television for this original Netflix series ,the prequel of the cult classic .

The original was all about the last day of camp, and this one is all about the first day. So you can see the real story behind the characters.

The series stars all the star faces form the cult classic and almost everyone . Amy Poehler, Kristen Wiig, Bradley Cooper, Elizabeth Banks, Paul Rudd, Jeanne Garofalo, Jason Schwartzman, and even Weird Al for goodness sake,they all here make it wetter and hotter.

If you are a fan of the original ,then you surely cannot afford to miss this  and neither  can others .

P.S- Bradley cooper is looking amazing in his comic timing . 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

anarchy in hollywood

Do you feel that the ‘system’ is not where you belong or that the government is society’s biggest enemy or that morality is nothing but just a set of rules which give a social and economical benefit to its follower. If yes ,if you can relate to any of the above sentences,then these movies are the perfect visual representation of your thoughts.

·   Fight club(1999): do not even think twice if you have this gem in  your laptop and you thinking about whether to watch it or not. Personally speaking, I have seen it 5(well to be exact it’s 4.5 ) times and it just never gets old ,like Jennifer Aniston. This Brad Pitt and Edward Norton starrer was a box office failure at he time of it’s release but later got recognized as a cult classic, ahead of it’s time.

Note the quote: the movie has got some of the coolest dialogues you would have ever heard. Sample this-
Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off’

          Who can watch it: everyone can and everyone should.

           Who cannot: are you serious?

 Ø V for Vendetta(2006): welcome to 2020, a dystopian future. World is in turmoil, with the United States fractured as a result of prolonged conflict, and a pandemic of the "St. Mary's Virus" ravaging Europe. The United Kingdom is ruled as  by a fascist party. Comes in the hero ‘V’(very much batman inspired). The movie is loaded with a lot of non sense action sequences which are balanced by really long but good to listen dialogues( you sure will have a tough time churning sense out of those alliterations) but movie sure manage to tickle the anarchist in you with it’s dialogues and storyline .

Note the quote: despite the long and highly alliterated dialogues ,there are a lot of them to please you aesthetically.
Ø ‘ Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition’

Who can watch it: literature enthusiasts will love the dialogues in the movie. Beside if you like the dystopian society kind of portrayl then this is  your thing.

Who cannot watch it: if you can’t stand some over the top action sequences then you should probably avoid it.

Important: Natalie portman is looking smoking hot (as usual) and ‘there are lesbians too’.                                               

apocalypse now: masterpiece then



Director-The Francis coppola
Starring-Marlon brando,Martin sheen
Running time-153 min(pretty long)
Release date-may10,1979(an oldie it is)
Language-english(of course)

Directed by ‘The Francis Coppola’, Apocalypse now is widely regarded as the masterpiece of the new Hollywood era and undoubtedly it is. The movie begins with a view of burning Vietnamese forests. With tress burning ,helicopters flying and country music(some unknown but pretty cool,the kind you listen along while smoking marijuana) playing in the background,truly sets the mood and then comes in US army ,Benjamin Williard( played by Martin Sheen) and what follows is his journey into the deadly war zone areas of north Vietnam in order to assassinate the so called insane US army colonel Kurtz(played by Marlon brando) who is said to have turned insane .With it’s deep background narration and intense yet gripping direction and storyline(with loads of deep and psychological dialogues to tickle the Nolan in you),the movie manages to keep up the thrill quotient up till the very last scene.

Note the quote- the movie’s got a lot of cool and deep psychological dialogues and monologues,the kind you can update your fb and what’s app statuses with. Some of the lines(which I remember) are:
·       ‘I’ve seen horrors,horrors that you have seen’

·       ‘And then I realized they were stronger than we, because they could stand that these were not monsters, these were men... trained cadres’

·       ‘Because it's judgment that defeats us’

·       ‘ Because there's a conflict in every human heart, between the rational and irrational, between good and evil. And good does not always triumph. Sometimes, the dark side overcomes what Lincoln called the better angels of our nature’

Music- some old  and cool country songs.

Who can watch it- if artsy and deep psychological is your taste then this one is just for you.

Who surely cannot- if you cannot stand slow paced , 2hr+ movies then kindly stay away and if raw ,blood spilling (nothing like Quentin tarantino )  action is not your taste then look for some other one.